All aboard! Last call for Dads, Granddads, Uncles, Brothers and Sons!  It’s a guy thing!  Take a memorable dinner train ride into the Chehalis River Valley. The Chehalis-Centralia Railroad celebrates Father’s Day weekend by offering two dinner train options, Saturday and Sunday, both at 5:00pm.  Make reservations now to join the weekend excursions on June 15 and June 16. The newly redecorated 1920’s diner and the attached open car make this fun day a memorable experience. You are welcome to walk about into the open car following dinner to view the Chehalis River Valley. The cost is $55 for adults and $25 for children, 10 and under, for the dinner and round trip. Place your order for your choice of Prime Rib, Salmon, Chicken Cordon Bleu or Vegetarian Pasta. Your 4-course meal includes a Strawberry Shortcake dessert. Wine is available to purchase. 

The popular Dinner Train is limited to 60 guests, however regular seating, $20 and $18 for children is also available for this extended run to Ruth, a former rail-stop along the old Chehalis Western Train route. Trains depart the Chehalis Depot at 1101 SW Sylvenus Street, across from the Veterans Memorial Museum. Parking is free. Reservations are required for the dinner train. Reserved Tickets are available online at