by Annalee Tobey | Jan 28, 2021 | Business-Blog, Uncategorized
OLYMPIA – Today, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) announced that based on Governor Jay Inslee’s updated Roadmap to Recovery phased reopening plan, the following regions will move into Phase 2: Puget Sound West The following regions will remain in in...
by Annalee Tobey | Jan 8, 2021 | Business-Blog, Uncategorized
Gov. Jay Inslee today announced “Healthy Washington — Roadmap to Recovery,” a COVID-19 phased recovery plan. Beginning on January 11, the state will follow a regional recovery approach with every region beginning in Phase 1. “No one was untouched by the effects of the...
by Annalee Tobey | Jan 7, 2021 | Business-Blog, Uncategorized
*UPDATE: January 13, 2021: Additional information available in this downloadable PDF from the NFIB. More financial assistance is on the way to our small businesses. The Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act (the “Act”)was passed by...
by Annalee Tobey | Jan 6, 2021 | Uncategorized
We want to feature YOU – our small business owners! CCRT will be launching a new social media campaign thanking our local community for their ongoing support while promoting your business. The process is very simple! Send us a photo of you at your business and...
by Annalee Tobey | Dec 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
As we look back on this tumultuous and challenging year, we focus on the positive work accomplished serving and supporting our community. Leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, a stronger local economy and invested community partners were forging ahead creating a wealth...
by Annalee Tobey | Dec 30, 2020 | Business-Blog, Uncategorized
Gov. Jay Inslee today announced a one-week extension of the “Stay Safe–Stay Healthy” proclamation, along with the statewide restrictions imposed. The extension of the statewide restrictions will now expire on January 11, 2021. No changes were made in the...
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