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Young Professionals of Lewis County

Young Professionals of Lewis County

Young Professionals Lewis County (YPLC) is a group of young professionals who are driven to make a positive change in Lewis County as they become the leaders of tomorrow.  YPLC was organized by Experience Chehalis in 2010 in order to connect young people in a...
Discover Children’s Museum

Discover Children’s Museum

As part of our 2009 Comprehensive Plan, a children’s museum was included to address the limited opportunities in our area for family fun coupled with educational opportunities.  Many families will travel outside our county to seek these activities.  To address...
Spring Arrives on the Easter Eggspress

Spring Arrives on the Easter Eggspress

Chehalis WA. – The Chehalis-Centralia Railroad invites friends and families to celebrate spring and the Easter season on April 3, with an excursion through the Chehalis River Valley.  Each train ride will be followed by an Easter Egg Hunt. Candy filled eggs will...