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Downtown Business Academy


Facilitating commerce through education.

Running a small business requires a skill set that stretches far beyond being an expert in your industry. Come discover how to give your business a boost with many of your area business peers.  Experience Chehalis’ (formerly named the Chehalis Community Renaissance Team) Downtown Business Academy creates confident business owners by encouraging the generation of ideas, celebrating business success, and empowering individuals to make choices that benefit the community as a whole.

Downtown Business Academy is open to all! Sign up today!



How often should I post?

What are the best options for scheduling my posts?

How should I be using hashtags?

Chehalis Timberland Library

Noon to 1:30 p.m.

Lunch Included
More information coming soon!

Noon to 1:30 pm.

Lunch Included
More information coming soon!

Noon to 1:30 p.m.

Lunch Included

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