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Meet Our Four Committees

Experience Chehalis utilizes Main Street’s Four Point Approach, a proven method of comprehensive commercial district revitalization. Below are our four committees which work together to build a sustainable and complete community revitalization effort. There is a committee chair and volunteers for each of the four committees. We are always looking for hard-working, passionate volunteers to join this exciting and rewarding endeavor.

The design committee creates programs and projects to enhance the look and feel of the downtown district.  Historic building rehabilitation, street and alley clean-up, landscaping, street furniture, signage, art installations, visual merchandising and lighting all improve the physical image of the downtown as a quality place to shop, work, walk, invest in, and live. Design improvements result in a reinvestment of public and private dollars to downtown.

  • Complete streetscape improvements
  • Coordinate spring plantings downtown
  • Evaluate existing physical assets for needed upgrades
  • Work with local artists adding art to our community
  • Manage holiday decorations

Chair:  Jen Kinsman | Meetings: Second Tuesdays, 4 p.m. at Chehalis Coworks

The economic vitality committee involves analyzing current market forces to develop long-term solutions.

Recruiting new businesses, creatively converting unused space for new uses, and sharpening the competitiveness of Main Street’s traditional merchants are examples of economic restructuring activities.

  • Strengthening existing businesses and recruiting new ones
  • Create and manage Façade Improvement Program
  • Maintain and promote Empty Building Inventory
  • Monitor economic performance and progress
  • Promote business opportunities downtown
  • Review infrastructure needs & carry out related projects

Chair:  Laura Six  | Meetings: Fourth Wednesdays, Noon at the Shire

The promotion committee works on projects to create excitement and vibrancy downtown. Tourism programs, retail events, and image development campaigns are some of the ways the promotion committee provides education on what’s downtown and encourages customer traffic. Promotion involves marketing an enticing image to shoppers, investors, and visitors.

  • Produce Experience Chehalis & Lewis County Visitor Guides
  • Manages social media & e-newsletter campaign
  • Promotes Chehalis community & business events
  • Manages Choose Local First program
  • Manages ChehalisFest
  • Oversees
Chair:  David James | Meetings:  First Wednesdays, 11:00 a.m. at Market Street Bakery

The Outreach Committee plays a key role communicating with our business community about opportunities for small business support as well as sharing our program happenings.  This community also serves to deepen relationships with our donors and volunteers to show our gratitude for their support of our activities.

  • Builds relationships with business community
  • Promotes Experience Chehalis to community partners
  • Develops volunteer and donor appreciation program
  • Manages B&O Tax Incentive Program donor relations

Chair:  Angela French | Meetings:  TBD