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Book ‘N’ Brush is dedicated to helping people. We help people find current or favorite titles, education or play for their children, novelty gifts and greeting cards to say I love you and thinking of you. We are very grateful for the people who have become our friends and, we really appreciate our role in this community.  During this transition we would like to offer free mailing to anyone who orders books. If the mailing address is within Centralia or Chehalis we will gladly deliver to your door.

We have started a cheer up campaign for those who will be in quarantine with in the various assisted living facilities.

People within Assisted Living Communities could use some cheering up.

Help us spread some comfort to those who may feel unsure or scared.

This is an unsettling time. We would like to help give some joy.

Color a postcard and we will send it off to a facility of your choice or facilitate a random act of kindness.

We also would like to help outreach further than our immediate community. We are matching donation monies for United Way. If you would like to round up your purchase to the nearest dollar, we will match it. Every little bit helps towards those in need.

As always, we care about our communities’ health and wellbeing. These small contributions are just a few offerings. Let us know how we can help.

Book N Brush Staff