Call for Artists:  National Frozen Foods Mural Concept

Annalee Tobey, Executive Director
Experience Chehalis
Phone: (360) 345-1738 | (360) 219-7088

Experience Chehalis is planning a new mural in Chehalis.  Through public art we aim to not only beautify our community, but to create the opportunity to experience art in daily life.  Experience Chehalis is seeking creative, vibrant, and engaging design proposals for an outdoor mural along National Frozen Food’s processing plant wall adjacent to the sidewalk, facing West Street near the railroad crossing in downtown Chehalis. The business address is 436 NW State Ave. (See Item A below for mural location.)  Mural dimensions for the wall is approximately 168 ft. W x 76 in. H (height indicated is the highest point of sloping wall).  Artists are welcome to submit a proposal on their own or as a group.

Experience Chehalis and National Frozen Foods request that mural designs incorporate and focus on a collage of the vegetables that are processed at our National location including carrots, peas/pea pods, and corn.  Other local vegetables and flowers can be added for interest.  In all cases, the mural must be congruent and appropriate with the vegetable industry in our area.  Artists do not need to have previous mural experience but are expected to possess the skills and expertise to create a mural. Interested applicants are encouraged to visit the site before submitting an application.  Compensation of $3,000 will be provided and muralist will be responsible for all costs associated with the creation of the mural including materials, but excluding paint. Experience Chehalis will provide paint and primer. The timeline to complete the mural will be 4-6 weeks after selected muralist is notified.

To be considered for this mural project, please submit the following by June 21, 2022.

  • Basic Information. Provide your name, mailing address, phone number and email.
  • Artist Profile. Tell us about yourself! Submit a short bio outlining your experience as an artist.
  • Detailed drawing of the intended mural design
  • Artist Skills and Qualifications. Identify your specific skill set and qualifications that you will utilize to create a mural.
  • Artist Reference and Experience. Submit a minimum of three, but no more than five, examples of your prior artwork in PDF or JPEG format. If you have previous experience with murals, please submit examples; otherwise, submit examples of your artwork.

Please submit the information requested to by the submission deadline of June 21, 2022.  Selected artist will be announced by July 8, 2022.

Thank you for your interest in our mural project, and for your interest in a beautiful, vibrant Chehalis! We look forward to receiving your submission.  Please email questions regarding this project to Experience Chehalis Design Chair Emily von Flotow at and/or Executive Director, Annalee Tobey at

Item A: