Chehalis Main Street Program

Experience Chehalis joined the Washington State Main Street Program in 2014 to serve as Chehalis’s program representative.

The National Main Street Program is a tried and true economic development program that capitalizes on a community’s unique assets. With a 40-year history as a national movement and countless stories of success in Washington state, the full scope and depth of Main Street’s impact in Washington has been a tremendous success. As Experience Chehalis, we bring this network of knowledge and strategy to our community.

An Impact Report released in July 2020 by Washington State Main Street outlines success including:

  • Economic Impact: Since 2011, Main Street Communities across the state helped generate $550.3 million in sales for businesses in Main Street districts, supporting 6,405 jobs at those businesses. When accounting for business-to-business transactions and employee spending, the economic impact of Main Streets includes 8,537 jobs, $397.7 million in salaries, and $821.7 million in sales.
  • Return on Investment: The Washington State Main Street Program has a positive return on investment for the State of Washington. For every dollar the state has allocated to the program, the economic activity generated in Main Street communities has generated $1.58 back to the state in tax revenues. Between 2011 and 2019, Washington State has allocated $18.3 million (2019 dollars) to the program and has received $28.9 million (2019 dollars) in tax revenues from enhanced Main Street business activity.
  • Community Impact: Through a focus on placemaking, community engagement, safety, equity, and sustainability, Main Streets take the lead in creating places wherein people can thrive. While not everything a Main Street Community does is quantifiable or has an immediate impact on the local economy, quality-of-life programming and partnerships are often aimed at social cohesion, historic preservation, and design to support healthy local communities.
  • Social Capital: Main Streets foster interpersonal connections and social contact in their communities. This type of “social capital” generates stronger community ties, strengthens networks of connection, and creates lasting social infrastructure in the commercial districts and downtowns across the state. Main Street Communities reported that their programs play significant impacts in helping to create spaces for people to gather and interact; a sense of community connection, identity, and pride; and a safe, vibrant, and inclusive downtown.

Main Street is built for resilience, effectiveness, vibrancy, and change.

We leverage unique assets and, through the magic of engagement and resourcefulness, create communities that support small businesses and foster healthy communities. Main Street is an investment in our shared past, present, and future.
Washington State's Main Street Program
Experience Chehalis is a proud member of Washington State’s Main Street program. Learn more about the benefits of participation in the state program.
Main Street’s four committee structure provides a comprehensive foundation to address the variety of issues and problems that challenge traditional commercial districts.

We extend our sincere gratitude to our B&O tax donors supporting our program. Experience Chehalis is made possible by the incredible support of our local community.

As a Main Street member, businesses can put their B&O tax dollars to work directly in the heart of the Chehalis business community.