March 20, 2020

A message from City of Chehalis Public Works Department:​

In an effort to help alleviate financial stress to our water and sewer customers during the COVID-19 Outbreak, we are extending the payment due date a minimum of 30 days for the March and April billing cycles. If you currently have a bill due March 20th your new due date is April 20th, 2020. For those customers that would normally have a due date of April 20th, you will notice your billing statement due date listed as May 20th, 2020.

Our staff is available to assist you via phone, email or by appointment at this time. We are asking that anyone needing to conduct City business to call before coming to any City office for their own protection, as well as those that they may come in contact with, including City staff. The Billing office staff can be reached at (360) 748-6664 or the main line for Public Works department is (360) 748-0238. Email address for the Billing office staff is, the Public Works Departments can be found on the City’s website,

Drop box locations are still available at the following two locations: City of Chehalis Public Works Office located at 2007 NE Kresky Ave and our Community Services Building located at 1321 S. Market Blvd. If using drop box locations please have your account number (if available), last name and address of account listed on your check and envelope. The city would like to thank all our residents for your patience while we continue to work together through this difficult time.