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Experience Chehalis Brochure

Get acquainted with Chehalis

Each year the Experience Chehalis brochure is printed and distributed. The brochure features a map of Chehalis, an events calendar, lodging listings and descriptive text and photos informing and inspiring visitors and potential visitors.  The brochures will be distributed within the city, as well as county-wide and into Thurston County.  They will be included in welcome bags distributed by the Chamber and the Chehalis Parks & Recreation Department, specifically to visitors coming into our area for sporting events.  This piece has been widely utilized as a helpful guide and trip planning tool and one that our local attractions and business community have come to rely on to inform visitors.

To obtain a supply of the Experience Chehalis brochures for your business or organization, please contact us at 360-345-1738 or email

Download the brochure