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Personal Protection

Plan to implement practices to minimize face-to-face contact between employees and follow the social distancing guidelines set by our state and local health departments.

  • Provide masks, shields, and gloves if appropriate and available.
  • If social distancing can not be met at checkout counters or reception desks, consider installing a plexiglass barrier.
  • Provide visual markers on floors for six-foot distancing, per CDC guidance, and space out desks and workstations where necessary.
  • In reception areas, limit the number of seats. Organize seats in such a manner so there is at least 6-feet between seats.
  • Provide touch-free solutions if available including:
      • No-touch hand sanitizer stations at the entrance to the workplace
      • Individual water containers for workers instead of large water coolers

Lewis County business owners! Are you in need of hand sanitizer or cloth or disposable masks? The Lewis County Together team has worked with local partners to provide these supplies free of charge to our businesses. Please contact your local city hall for quantities available or call Lewis County for more information at 360-736-6072.