Washington State Department of Commerce launched the Washington Hospitality Grant Program on March 14. Restaurants, bars, caterers, food trucks, bakeries, lodging businesses, and other small hospitality organizations are eligible to apply now for this one-time grant award.
This is a new opportunity to receive federal grant money to aid in the recovery of your small business, offered as part of the federal American Rescue Plan Act through the Small Business Administration (SBA). This program will award one-time grants to hospitality businesses in Washington State that were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 public health crisis.
Here are ways to learn more about this program:
- Download the one-page program information sheet
- Join Commerce’s upcoming webinars:
- Lodging Focus: March 23 at 1 pm
- Application Assistance: March 30 at 2 pm
- Visit wahospitalitygrants.com for more information and the application
We hope to reach as many eligible businesses as possible that could benefit from this grant. Please contact us with any questions or concerns at info@experiencechehalis.com.