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Return to Work Safely

The coronavirus pandemic is affecting how business functions in a variety of ways. From loss of business to remote work, things are changing quickly and businesses are being forced to adapt. The Lewis County Together Task Force offers this toolkit containing relevant resources and best practices to help you navigate this challenging time. And as this situation changes daily, this resource will continue to evolve to provide relevant information and resources.

The Lewis County Together Task Force is hard at work lending support to our business community in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.  This is a difficult period for our community, and we want you to know, you’re not alone. Local partners and agencies are coming together in an effort to reduce impacts happening today and to position ourselves for a strong recovery as we move forward.

Lewis County, we are in this together.

This toolkit will continue to be updated regularly as new information and resources become available. Please continue to check back for updates.  Below, find a printable version of quick tips to get your business back to work.

Download the Quick Tips to Business Reopening

Prepare Your Workplace

During an infectious disease outbreak, such as the current outbreak of COVID-19, cleaning and sanitizing will be paramount to offering a safe environment for conducting business.


Plan to implement practices to minimize face-to-face contact between employees and follow the social distancing guidelines set by our state and local health departments.


Find downloadable poster and flyer materials developed to support COVID-19 business recommendations and best practices. All materials are free for download.


Prepare Your Employees

Keeping your employees informed and trustful of your business is crucial, especially when uncertainty flourishes. Find informative approaches when discussing the coronavirus.


Continue promoting the message with your employees about healthy best practices in the workplace including encouraging workers to stay at home when they are feeling ill.


Establish social distancing in your workplace. Keep in mind that social distancing guidelines are based on a 6-foot separation of individuals, as well as other additional measures.


Customer Communication

 Maintain purposeful communication with your audience during this time.  Adapt your messaging as needed and stay in touch.


It may be necessary to adapt your business to meet your customers where they are during this time.  Be ready to pivot your business.


Find a library of local social marketing images for community use.  Join the effort as we show our support for local businesses.


The Lewis County Together Blog

Find the latest news here!  From local grant opportunities and reopening guidance to training opportunities and quick business tips, follow our blog to stay up to date as we rebound and reopen Lewis County businesses.

Go to the Blog


The Lewis County Together Task Force is here to help.

Our COVID-19 Business Toolkit is updated regularly and includes resources to help your business through this crisis.

For business assistance in Chehalis, email
For business assistance in Centralia, email
Fore business assistance outside of Chehalis and Centralia, email

Loans, Grants, and Employment Resources

Find a list of resources for small businesses impacted by COVID-19.  Find information from the Small Business Administration (SBA), Department of Revenue, Washington Small Business Development Center (WSBDC), tools to help navigate the federal relief package (CARES ACT) and others.  Also find local resources and grant opportunities in our community.

More info

Industry-Specific Reopening Information

The pandemic has affected different industries differently — likewise, the reopening process may vary by sector. Find the latest information straight from the Governor’s office on reopening industries in the state.

More info


Every Monday from 10-11 a.m., the Association of Washington Business’s Employer Resources Webinar Series provides real-time, expert insights on all aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Check the webinar landing page for who’s on the agenda to connect you with the latest information, direct from top officials.

More information

SCORE, a nonprofit organization, is dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow, and achieve their goals through education and mentorship. SCORE offers free live and recorded webinars & interactive courses on demand on small business topics and is actively offering support through the COVID-19 crisis.

More Information

The Washington Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is a network of expert business advisors working in communities across the state to help entrepreneurs or small business owners start.  Find business survival strategies along with business education webinars.

More Information

Brought to you in partnership between the Chehalis Community Renaissance Team and the Lewis County Together Task Force  |  May 2020